Как создать сцену осады


Этот перечень особенностей осады поможет вам при создании городов и замков, подходящих для осады.

Осаждаемые сцены

Осадные стены - это позиции стен, которые поддерживают функцию пробитых стен в сценах осады. Нам нужно будет указать твердые и сломанные этапы и их важные позиции, а также изменения сетки навигации AI, как если бы произошел разрыв.

Solid Wall Navmesh Broken Wall Navmesh

Ворота замка

The castle gate is the location and prefabs that interact with the battering ram. We will have to use 2 of them, 1 outer gate which will be broken down by the battering ram and an inner one which will be broken down by normal troop attacks.

Deployment Points

All siege machines are placed under deployment points. These points later in the mission become the selectable positions, in which players can place their siege equipment, like ballistas, battering ram or the siege towers.

Secondary Siege Machines

Secondary siege machines are ranged siege machines that support the assault or try to fend off attackers. They include ballistas and mangonels for both sides and trebuchets for the attacker.

Siege Tower

Siege towers are the prefabs that support the situation when siegers build a siege tower in the campaign map. They replace one of the wall lanes. If a siege tower is deployed they will override the siege ladder on that “side”. If there is a breach on a lane, the siege tower can not be deployed to that lane.

Battering Ram

Battering ram is the prefab that supports the situation when siegers build a battering ram in the campaign. The battering ram will be connected to the side tag and will damage the outer gate once it reaches the gates and troops swing the ram.

Ditch Fillers

If the scene has ditches and a moat around the castle, we have a ditch filler system which allows the siege towers and battering rams to work properly. Ditch fillers will spawn if the player deploys the connected siege engines. We will have to arrange and ID various navigation mesh faces for AI to use pathfinding properly around the ditch filler.

SiegeTowerSpawner Script Ditch Filler

Siege Ladders

Siege ladders are deployed by default to both siegeable walls unless there is a siege tower or a breach.

Archer Positions

Archer positions are AI direction locations with which scene designers can define locations where archers can shoot from. There are 2 types of archer positions.

Deployment Boundaries

We place boundary entities to the scene to specify where attackers and defenders can deploy their troops. They work pretty much like soft borders.


The camera position and angle specify the viewpoint that will be used during the deployment phase.

Spawn Points

Spawn points are the locations where NPC troops and the player will spawn in the scene at the start of the battle.

Flee Lines

There are flee lines both for attackers and defenders. If placed in siege scenes, the AI should prefer to run away using the flee lines rather then to the closest soft border edge.

Tactical Position Script

The script [tacticalposition] enables us to modify the width of various AI positions.

Tactical Position Deployment

AI Barrier

The AI barrier should be added to all locations where the AI troops might fall from unacceptable heights.

Throwable Rock Pile

We can place usable rock piles to siege scenes.

Using Throwable rock piles and Archer position (and pretty much everything else) under Broken and Solid walls

Example of Solid Walls Example of Broken Walls

Merlons and other Destructible components

According to the wall HP of the settlement we create wall breaches but we also destroy some the entities containing the destructable_component script. This feature was intended for merlons but it does not specifically check for merlons but rather for the script itself.