Divide Into Grid: Divides the meta mesh into grids, and adds all the generated section meshes to the submeshes.
Remove Redundant Vertices: The name implies what it does.
Recompute Normals: While importing the meta mesh, computes normal vectors for all sub-meshes instead of importing them as well.
Normal Computation: Decides whether the normal vector computation will depend on the face area (weighted) or not (default).
Recompute Tangents: While importing the meta mesh, computes the tangent vectors for all sub-meshes instead of importing them as well.
Whiten: Linear interpolation amount between the vertex color and white per each color channel.
Lod Meshes
All the active sub-meshes of the meta mesh can be seen here. The material properties, mesh parameters and tags can be changed via the interface.
Unused Meshes
This shows the activity situation of the sub-meshes. If the ignore checkbox is checked, this means that the corresponding sub-mesh is inactive. After changing status of the lod meshes, please press “Apply Ignores” button for your changes to take place and be saved.