Bannerlord Missions
What Makes a Multiplayer Scene
Introduction This technical introduction should enable you to create a custom multiplayer scene, for a specific gamemode. It goes into details on what requirements your MP scene needs to meet so that it doesn’t crash. This is not a design guideline or best practice document. Gamemode Specifics Each Gamemode in Bannerlord will require a few different setups of relevant prefabs. It is possible to make scenes compatible with multiple game modes by including all needed prefabs.
What Makes an Arena Scene
Intro We are going to answer the “How to create an arena scene?” and “What should we take into consideration when creating an arena scene?” questions in this documentation. Scene Preparation The first topic that needs to be highlighted is that the terrain for the arena scene should not be too big. Fewer terrain nodes can be used in arena scenes. Far less than you need on other types of scenes.
What Makes a Hideout Scene
Introduction This list of checkpoints should aid you in creation of hideout scenes and provide you with an insight into what we pay attention to when creating them. Unlike many other of our scenes, hideouts are only used for fighting missions and usually have a very strict one way layout. Navigation Mesh Works similarly to how it does with village scenes. No need to have special ID’s on paths or around animal enclosures.
What Makes a Siege Scene
Introduction This list of siege-specific features will aid you when creating towns and castles that are appropriate for sieges. Siegable Walls Siegeable walls are wall positions that support the breached walls function in siege scenes. We will have to specify solid and broken stages and their important positions as well as AI navigation mesh changes as if there is a breach. Add a tag to the parent entity, that will later be used on siege ladders and siege towers (ex:wall_segment_left, wall_segment_right).
What Makes a Village Scene
Introduction This list of checkpoints should aid you in creation of village scenes and provide you with an insight into what we pay attention to when creating village scenes. Navigation Mesh Navigation mesh consists of triangles and quads. It is used by the AI for pathfinding. The global illumination system also uses it to find the visible locations of the scene. Keep in mind that the navigation mesh faces should not be too far away from the physics below it.
Mission Tactical Positions
TACTICAL POSITIONS AND TACTICAL REGIONS These are scripted entities that let the AI know of the terrain’s features. They do not work like siege, the AI will not always use the tactical positions or regions you may place. They may use them under conditions that favor the use of these. Depending on player movement and spawn path randomization, there are a very high number of scenarios that can occur during battles.
Destructible Component
The destruction system which gives artists a lot more freedom is explained below. Characteristics It is a ScriptComponent which can be applied to any entity in a scene, as long as that entity has a collision body. When not given any information, the script will just make the entity disappear after being destroyed. It will also re-appear when the mission resets. The script can be used to destroy entities in one or more states, with optional sound, particles and dynamic objects spawning in each state.
Scene Barrier Builder
Introduction Barrier Builder is a tool that helps artist to generate barriers over walls to prevent agents to fall down. Usage Create a path, you can use the button on toolbar Give a name to path Build your path as you wish Press “Enable Barrier Build” chekbox on path inspector, it will create your barrier entity for you. You can go to that entity with “Go to Entity” Button and chnage its options like height, the entity named as “path_barrier_PATHNAME”
Scene Spawn Point Guide
How to design fully featured scenes in Bannerlord Each scene has own basic necessities to run without crashing and has extras to give better experience to player. Designers can check these necessities with Spawn Point Debug Tool to be sure that their scene will not crash. 1. Town Center Scene Player will be spawned on the “sp_player_outside” prefab if he/she is entering the city for the first time, because of this feature “sp_player_outside” must be placed far from city’s entrance; otherwise player will be spawned on “sp_player” and this spawnpoint can be next to the entrance gate.
Script Component Callbacks
The callbacks of the script components are listed below. Constructor In constructor one needs to assign default values to its public variables(variables which can be changed by the scene maker). In constructor script component is not assigned to an entity or scene. Also, you should not write any logic that has any side effect because , even though it is created, the script component may be deleted once the scene is opened because of the upgrade level system.
Spawn Point Debug Tool
Introduction The tool which has prefab named “SpawnPointDebugView” can be added to scene. Prefab has “SpawnPointDebugView” script attached and tool can be opened through inspector toggle. Tool has 3 tabs named “Scene basic information tab”, “Scene entity check tab” and “Navigation mesh check tab”. 1. Scene Basic Information Tab This tab tries to determine the scene type in order to find necessities; if detected type is not correct, artist can override the type using toggle buttons below.