Generating and Loading UI Sprite Sheets


Sprites are two-dimensional images that are mostly used in the user interface of a game. Sprite sheets are the collection of such images. In other words, sprites are packed together to form a sprite sheet. This documentation will go through the following steps:


Adding Sprites

Generating Sprite Sheets

In order to generate sprite sheets, run the TaleWorlds.TwoDimension.SpriteSheetGenerator.exe executable file located at INSTALLATION_PATH\Mount & Blade II Bannerlord\bin\Win64_Shipping_wEditor. If you have followed the steps above, after running SpriteSheetGenerator.exe, you should see the following window:

SpriteSheetGenerator.exe will create two folders named Assets and AssetSources under Modules\YOUR_MODULE_NAME. It will also create a SpriteData.xml file (with a prefix of your module name) under Modules\YOUR_MODULE_NAME\GUI.

Importing Created Sprite Sheets

In order to use the sprites in your sprite sheets, you should also import them from the resource browser. Note that this step should be skipped if you are adding sprites just for the Launcher.

Follow these steps to import a sprite sheet:

This should open the resource browser:

Collapse the folder named Native on the left of the resource browser to see your module easily. Then, select your module.

Open the GauntletUI folder in your module. Then, press the “Scan new asset files” button which is pointed with a red arrow below (arrow on the right).

This should open a new window:

Make sure your category is selected (in the example, it is ui_mycategory) then press the Import button. Then, you should see something similar to this:

Close the resource browser and the game. You should now see a new file named ui_{YOUR_CATEGORY_NAME}_1_tex.tpac under Modules\YOUR_MODULE_NAME\Assets\GauntletUI.

Using Sprites In UI XML Files

You may now use the sprites in the sprite sheets that you have created (you also need to load the corresponding category which is explained below, in the Loading & Unloading Sprite Categories section). Sprites are used in UI XML files. You may refer to your sprites with their names. You can find the names of your sprites in the SpriteData.xml file (with a prefix of your module name) which is located at Modules\YOUR_MODULE_NAME\GUI. To give an example, we will create a new UI XML file. To do that, go back to the folder named GUI under Modules\YOUR_MODULE_NAME\ and create a new folder named Prefabs. Create a new file named MyXml.xml under the Prefabs folder. You may now refer to your sprites in this file as Sprite=“mysprite”. For example, the content of the MyXml.xml file could be:

        <Widget DoNotAcceptEvents="true" DoNotPassEventsToChildren="true" WidthSizePolicy="StretchToParent" HeightSizePolicy="StretchToParent">
                <ImageWidget WidthSizePolicy="Fixed" HeightSizePolicy="Fixed" SuggestedWidth="128" SuggestedHeight="128" HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center" Sprite="mysprite"/>

Loading & Unloading Sprite Categories

In order to use the sprites that you have added, you need to load them. You have two options in this regard:¸

  1. Loading & Unloading Manually

    • The developer has more control. They can choose when the sprite categories are loaded and unloaded. Thus, they can manage memory usage and performance.
    • Requires writing code. Thus, more complex than The AlwaysLoad Option.
  2. Using The AlwaysLoad Option

    • Sprite categories are loaded on startup automatically.
    • Categories are kept in the memory until the game is closed. Thus, no need to manually load them every time they are used.
    • Decreased UI loading time at the cost of increased memory usage.
    • Easy to use.
1. Loading & Unloading Manually

Here we show how to load & unload sprite categories manually. In the example below, we override the OnGameStart and OnGameEnd methods of MBSubModuleBase class to add and remove the MyScreen global layer respectively. Notice that the constructor of MyScreen loads the sprite category and the UI XML that we have created in previous sections. We also unload the sprite category inside the OnFinalize method.

If you are going to copy the below code, do not forget to change the namespace and name of the Main function. They should match with the fields in your SubModule.xml. In other words, you should change SpritesheetDocumentation (namespace) to YOUR_MODULE_NAME and Main (name of the Main function) to YOUR_MAIN_FUNCTION_NAME in this field of the SubModule.xml:


Otherwise, they won’t be recognized and the game will crash while launching.

using TaleWorlds.Core;
using TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade;
using TaleWorlds.Engine.Screens;
using TaleWorlds.Engine.GauntletUI;
using TaleWorlds.GauntletUI.Data;
using TaleWorlds.TwoDimension;

namespace SpritesheetDocumentation
    public class Main : MBSubModuleBase
        private MyScreen _myScreen;

        protected override void OnSubModuleLoad()


        protected override void OnGameStart(Game game, IGameStarter gameStarterObject)
            base.OnGameStart(game, gameStarterObject);
            _myScreen = new MyScreen();
            ScreenManager.AddGlobalLayer(_myScreen, true); // add MyScreen on game start

        public override void OnGameEnd(Game game)
            ScreenManager.RemoveGlobalLayer(_myScreen); // remove MyScreen on game end

    public class MyScreen : GlobalLayer
        private GauntletLayer _gauntletLayer;
        private IGauntletMovie _gauntletMovie;
        private SpriteCategory _category;

        public MyScreen()
            var spriteData = UIResourceManager.SpriteData;
            var resourceContext = UIResourceManager.ResourceContext;
            var resourceDepot = UIResourceManager.UIResourceDepot;

            _category = spriteData.SpriteCategories["ui_mycategory"]; // select which category to load, put your category name here
            _category.Load(resourceContext, resourceDepot); // load the selected category

            _gauntletLayer = new GauntletLayer(2);
            Layer = (ScreenLayer)_gauntletLayer;

            _gauntletMovie = _gauntletLayer.LoadMovie("MyXml", null); // load the ui xml in Prefabs folder

        public void OnFinalize()
            // unload ui xml, sprite category, layer, etc.
            _gauntletMovie = null;
            _gauntletLayer = null;
2. Using The AlwaysLoad Option

Instead of manually loading sprite categories like in the Loading & Unloading Manually section, you can choose which sprite categories should be loaded automatically on startup by enabling the AlwaysLoad option for those categories. Unless they are manually unloaded by the developer, categories that have the AlwaysLoad option enabled will be kept in the memory until the game is closed so that you don’t have to load them manually every time they are used. Enabling the AlwaysLoad option decreases the load time of UI (since these categories are loaded only once on startup) but increases memory usage (since these categories will be kept in the memory even when they are not used). This option is very useful for the categories that are frequently loaded & unloaded (f.e. A category that is used in a screen that is opened and closed frequently).

Note: This feature has been released with e1.6.2. If you are on an earlier version and still want to use the AlwaysLoad option, please switch both the game and the modding kit to e1.6.2 or a newer version.

To enable the AlwaysLoad option for a category, follow the steps below:

Create a new XML file named Config.xml under the folder Modules\YOUR_MODULE_NAME\GUI\SpriteParts. Copy and paste the following into Config.xml:

    <SpriteCategory Name="ui_{YOUR_CATEGORY_NAME}">

Replace ui_{YOUR_CATEGORY_NAME} with your category. Then, generate sprite sheets by following the steps in the Generating Sprite Sheets section above. To check if everything is okay, open the file named {YOUR_MODULE_NAME}SpriteData.xml which is located at Modules\YOUR_MODULE_NAME\GUI. There you should see that the AlwaysLoad option is enabled for the categories that you have selected in the Config.xml:

            <AlwaysLoad />
            <SpriteSheetSize ID="1" Width="512" Height="512" />

You don’t need to change/add any code to load the new sprite sheet category.


Make sure you have created a screen and loaded the UI XML file that you have created in Using Sprites In UI XML Files section in order to see the result below.

Note: If you have added your sprite category with the AlwaysLoad option and didn’t use the code shared in the Loading & Unloading Manually section, you can write your own code to create a screen and load the UI XML. If you don’t know how to do it, you can copy the code from the Loading & Unloading Manually section (please also read the details in that section) and delete the following lines since you have used the AlwaysLoad option and don’t need to load the category manually:

var spriteData = UIResourceManager.SpriteData;
var resourceContext = UIResourceManager.ResourceContext;
var resourceDepot = UIResourceManager.UIResourceDepot;

_category = spriteData.SpriteCategories["ui_mycategory"]; // select which category to load, put your category name here
_category.Load(resourceContext, resourceDepot); // load the selected category

You can also delete the _category field and remove its references.